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Nikon 70-200 VR II vs Nikon 70-200 VR I - problems

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Nikon 70-200 VR II vs Nikon 70-200 VR I - problems

Mesajde Robert77 » Sâm Dec 03, 2011 10:33 pm

O problema care se cunoaste de ceva vreme si pe care Nikon a ascuns-o, ma rog se putea specifica in cartea tehnica. E posibil sa pui o lentila pe piata (f scumpa) care nu e defapt ceea ce pare? Ma refer la 70-200 VR II care nu e nici pe departe 200 in nici o situatie in care ai fotografia in functie de distanta de fotografiere. Citez din ceea ce spune un fotograf profesionist teste si concluzii desi foloseste aceast obiectiv.....dar ca o concluzie i-as intreba pe cei de la Nikon prin intermediul Nikon Romania daca le pasa....sau doar se cred cei mai buni prin faptul ca desi au scos un produs bun pe piata nu au facut si nu fac nimic in continuare ceva ptr a indrepta lucrurile. Macar un anunt oficial sau .... aparitia unui nou model evident la acelasi pret care sa indrepte situatia, sau ca in cazul masinilor cand au fost probleme sa faca recall in service (daca gasesc rezolvarea hardware a problemei)

"Speaking as a professional photographer - I have been using the original 70-200mm VR 2.8 for a while now and loved every moment of it. It doesn't matter how familiar I am with this lens, it still feels magical at times to be able to separate subject and background while pulling the background in as smooth bokeh. As most pros will tell you, the 70-200mm VR 2.8 "is" the bread and butter wedding portrait lens and more. That was then. This is now - as soon as I saw the announcement of this "new version", I pre-ordered it. While reading colleague Cliff Mautner's blog, I simply couldn't wait!! It finally arrived early this month(12/2009), I did some quick in-home test and was extremely impressed!! Not to reiterate on the amazing optical quality, the new version VR allows me to get a sharp image down to 1/5th!! and consistently at 1/15th. (The best $2400 I've ever spent!!). I packed up the original version and was getting ready to eBay it the following week!

I then took the lens for a real-world test few days later on my last wedding of the year. To give you some background - I always use this lens during ceremonies and in churches while knowing my movements are limited. I usually capture journalistic ceremonial actions as well as the reactions at either end of the pews at about 10-20 feet distance to produce intimate images. Something struck me as odd this day. I initially felt the reach was somehow inadequate, especially at 200mm, but, knowing that I should just love this lens, I quickly attributed this to the large church I was shooting in. However, after reading some reviews and complaints, I reluctantly compared this new version to my original 70-200mm VR 2.8 and then the 70-300mm 4.5-5.6 ED (as a second opinion) and found out that at 200mm, this lens indeed comes in shorter. It's like a 65mm-155mm equivalent at about 7 feet distance comparing to the other two lenses. The original 70-200mm VR 2.8 and the 70-300mm 4.5-5.6 ED was about the same at 200mm which the latter zooms in just a tiny bit closer. Unfortunately for those who doesn't owned the original 70-200mm VR 2.8, it would be hard to compare. But if you have the original on hand, please try it for yourself. Use a tripod and shoot a fix subject with all these lenses. It's easy to compare the older and the newer versions, simply turn both to 200mm and shoot it. As for the 70-300, dial the ring to 200 and align the middle zero to the indicator dot on your focal ring, you should get a solid 200mm reading from your EXIF data. The difference should be obvious. I am well aware that there's going to be variations between lenses, but as for the same manufacturer and essentially the same lens, the difference is simply too great. I will wait for the New Canon 70-200mm which I doubt would have this issue (Update 4/24/10 - The new Canon 70-200mm IS II is simply amazing - without the Nikon magnification shrink issue).

With the exception of a flimsier hood and the magnification shrink issue, this lens is overall slightly better in just about every other aspect than the Original (since the original is already a "CLASSIC", it's hard to do much better). Nonetheless, there's definitely improvements in color, vignette control, CA, distortion, and the VR is simply "incredible". Also, this lens is just a tiny bit shorter and it doesn't look like a "Bamboo" stick as the original:)

(It breaks my heart to rate this "new version" 4 stars not because it's performance and construction but simply because that it does not "replace" the lens that it's "supposed to" replace. The focal length changes with the distance so the 65-155mm is a rough average while shooting within 30 feet. The closer you are to your subject, the worse it gets. For instance, at minimum focusing distance, the new 200mm is about the equivalent of 130mm on the original!! And more unfortunate for me, I shoot most of my subjects within 30 feet distance. Here's the full comparison at under 30 feet distance(added 1/10/10) - I did the test personally using Manfrotto 190 CXPRO3 and a tape measure:

New 70-200 VR II........Original 70-200 VR

4ft. 200mm.....................130mm
6ft. 200mm.....................150mm
10ft. 200mm.....................170mm
15ft. 200mm.....................175mm
20ft. 200mm.....................180mm
25ft. 200mm.....................180mm
30ft. 200mm.....................190mm (even at 30 feet, it's still not a 200mm comparing to the original)

So picture this, if you are in a tight church 10 feet away from your subjects and crouched between a rock and a hard place, would you say that it's okay when you want to use a "200mm" lens for close-ups of a ring exchange(for instance) but realize that you only have a "170mm"?!! Sure you can crop, but that means you are going to lose 3-5 megapixels of resolution! This is exactly why I felt the reach was "inadequate" during my initial real-world test. Yes, if you move away far enough from your subject the effective focal length will eventually equate to the original but then again, it simply isn't the same application anymore.

Hence, if one normally use this lens at various distances within 30 feet, you will notice a huge change. The closer you get, the more severe it will be. While capturing moments as it unfolds in a fraction of a second, this lens' focal length just isn't as effective comparing to the original version. I love all my Nikons gears and this is perhaps the first real disappointment that I had to encounter for a while. (Perhaps another is the SB-900's overheating problem.) This focal length issue may not be too serious to many people but as far as my personal applications specifically assigned to this lens, and perhaps to many others like me, it is quite irksome.

Mesaje: 981
Membru din: Joi Iul 23, 2009 1:42 am

Re: Nikon 70-200 VR II vs Nikon 70-200 VR I - problems

Mesajde bogdan_dumitru » Dum Dec 04, 2011 12:05 am

Daca e adevarat, trec pe Canon.
Si nu glumesc.
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Membru din: Dum Mai 17, 2009 7:32 pm
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Re: Nikon 70-200 VR II vs Nikon 70-200 VR I - problems

Mesajde Skytalker » Dum Dec 04, 2011 12:25 am

Problema este arhicunoscuta de cind a aparut obiectivul, se numeste "focus breathing", se manifesta prin largirea AOV cu cit se focalizeaza de mai aproape.
D4/D3/D300 12-24G;14-24G;24-70G;70-200G;200-400G;24-120G;18-200;35 1.8G;50 1.4D;85 1.4D;105D micro;105DC;2sb900;2sb800

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Membru din: Mar Apr 07, 2009 1:38 am

Re: Nikon 70-200 VR II vs Nikon 70-200 VR I - problems

Mesajde Maniac » Dum Dec 04, 2011 12:34 am

Atunci poti deja sa iti pui echipamentul la vanzare si apoi sa te duci la F64.
Iar dupa ce incerci Canon, treci la Pentax ca poate aia au reusit sa ocoleasca legile fizicii.

Trebuie sa incep prin a spune ca imi lasi impresia de om care urmareste OTV si emisiunile lui Dan Diaconescu cu fervoare.
Altfel nu imi explic cum de reusesti sa deschizi cate un topic pe saptamana cu alta non-problema senzationala de care ai dat.

Pe scurt: fenomenul se numeste focus breathing, este specific obiectivelor cu focalizare interna si se stie de el cam de la inceputul secolului 20. Citeste despre cum este implementat IF-ul ca sa intelegi de ce si cum.

Ia in considerare si faptul ca, din considerente de notatie, marketing samd, un obiectiv de 47mm cat si un obiectiv de 53 de mm sunt notate ca avand 50mm. Cu alte cuvinte, focalele date de producator sunt valori aproximative si acelea determinate cu obiectivul focalizat la infinit.

In concluzie, este o problema reala cea din citatul pozografului de nunti de mai sus? In cinematografie da, in fotografie nu. Cat de importanta e variatia de 10-15% la capatul tele al unui obiectiv? Nu foarte.
Si ca sa citez din filmul meu preferat:
maybe you shouldn't bring me every little piece of trash you happen to pick up.
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Mesaje: 1058
Membru din: Mar Mar 24, 2009 8:39 pm
Localitate: Troll-andia (vizavi de Finlandia)

Re: Nikon 70-200 VR II vs Nikon 70-200 VR I - problems

Mesajde Robert77 » Dum Dec 04, 2011 2:51 am

Maniac tu de obicei ai probleme cu lumea....incearca sa te rezumi doar la topic si nu mai da pe langa.

Indiferent de problema e o problema pe care cei de la Nikon nu au tratat-o corespunzator, sau vrei sa iti aduc 10 fotografi profesionisti din Romania care au zis despre el aceste lucruri ca sa iti inchid gura? Chiar daca are problema asta X Y Z l-a cumparat ptr ce anume fiecare stie...tu ai cumpara o masina care pe hartie scrie ca are motor de 1.4 dar in realitate are 1.2? Cred ca ai face scandal...

Din moment ce Nikon nu ofera alte alternative decat 80-200 2.8 ED modelul nou sau este ob nou si bun de la sigma 70-200 f/2.8 lumea il cumpara pe asta ca sa ramana pe Nikon probabil ca asa s-au invatat.

Daca mai ai ceva de comentat ramai pe subiect si exprima-ti cunostintele in domeniu daca le ai daca nu nu te mai lua de oameni ca devii penibil! (nu e prima data)

"Cat de importanta e variatia de 10-15% la capatul tele al unui obiectiv? Nu foarte." te inseli ii mai pui si un teleconvertor pe un DX si chiar e foarte importanta ca pierzi gandeste-te ca la o distanta mica degeaba faci zoom 200 ca ai sa ai cu mult sub 200...ti se pare chiar atat de ok? sau nu foarte mare problema? Pune si testeaza 80=200 vs 70-200 pe focala de 200 ptr un obiect aflat la 2m si vezi daca chiar sunt asa de mici diferentele si dupa aceea mai discutam dar pe subiect fara alte conotatii care nu isi au locul.

PS: eu nu-s urmaritor de OTV sau TV in general dar tu daca l-ai adus in discutie fix din prima e clar ca esti fan!

Eu nu mai stiu nici un obiectiv profesional care sa aibe aceeasi problema, avand in vedere ca in mom cand il cumperi nu iti spune nimeni de problema, toti zambesc cand platesti de la 8000 ron in sus....dar explicatii de buguri nu dau nici dupa X luni de cand s-a lansat si de atat timp cred ca problema se putea rezolva. Asa cum s-au gandit sa scoata SB910 care e un SB900 cu imbunatiri f mici la un pret evident mai mare asa puteau scoate si alt model zic eu sau sa il repare pe asta....totusi specialisti au nu duc lipsa si mana de lucru in Japonia intr-o fabrica Nikon e foarte ieftina!

Oricum netul e plin de review-uri despre aceasta problema - recunosc pana acum nu stiam "denumirea populara" ca nu m-a interesat achizitionarea dar acum am inceput sa caut pana la urma aleg Sigma 70-200 OS ptr Nikon din review-uri e destul de f bun (scuzati exprimarea)

Un review 70-200 2.8 VR II de la Nikon:
Mesaje: 981
Membru din: Joi Iul 23, 2009 1:42 am

Re: Nikon 70-200 VR II vs Nikon 70-200 VR I - problems

Mesajde Maniac » Dum Dec 04, 2011 10:20 am

Indiferent de problema e o problema pe care cei de la Nikon nu au tratat-o corespunzator

Nu e o problema, e un compromis de design. De ce l-au facut cei de la Nikon, nu stiu.

sau vrei sa iti aduc 10 fotografi profesionisti din Romania care au zis despre el aceste lucruri

Astept 10 link-uri catre 10 site-uri cu 10 profesionisti din Ro care au zis acelasi lucru...

tu ai cumpara o masina care pe hartie scrie ca are motor de 1.4 dar in realitate are 1.2?

Motoarele marcate ca fiind 2 Litri variaza cam de la 1950cc la 2050cc.
Noul Mercedes E63 AMG (la care te-ai astepta sa aiba 6.3 litri sub capota) are de fapt doar un motor de 5.5.
BMW isi noteaza de regula masinile cu (serie)(capacitate cilindri)(tip motorizare). Dar 523 si 528 au acelasi motor de 3000cc. 540i au avut 4.4 litri multa vreme samd.
Pe de alta parte, multi producatori auto au obiceiul sa dea puterea motorului pe stand nu puterea la roata. Asa ca se prea poate ca masina ta de 100 CP sa aiba vreo 80 pe care chiar ii pune pe asfalt ;).
Acum ca ai aflat astea, poti sa incepi threaduri d'astea cu "Senzational, am mai gasit o non-problema" si pe forumurile auto ;).

te inseli ii mai pui si un teleconvertor pe un DX si chiar e foarte importanta ca pierzi destul

Daca nu s-a schimbat matematica intre timp, procentual ar trebui sa pierzi la fel de mult ;). Incearca sa gandesti in grade ale unghiului de cuprindere si nu in milimetri ca sa intelegi.
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Mesaje: 1058
Membru din: Mar Mar 24, 2009 8:39 pm
Localitate: Troll-andia (vizavi de Finlandia)

Re: Nikon 70-200 VR II vs Nikon 70-200 VR I - problems

Mesajde Robert77 » Dum Dec 04, 2011 12:41 pm

Concluzie: Ideea este ca pe piata se afla un produs care nu respecta specificatiile si atat mai mult nici in cartea tehnica nu se specifica acest lucru.

Daca voua vi se pare normal atunci totul este ok adica il puteti cumpara linistit in continuare :)
Mesaje: 981
Membru din: Joi Iul 23, 2009 1:42 am

Re: Nikon 70-200 VR II vs Nikon 70-200 VR I - problems

Mesajde Radu_Grozescu » Dum Dec 04, 2011 7:01 pm

Robert77 scrie:
Eu nu mai stiu nici un obiectiv profesional care sa aibe aceeasi problema, avand in vedere ca in mom cand il cumperi nu iti spune nimeni de problema,

Toate obiectivele macro cu focalizare internă au această „problemă”, focala la infinit e cea declarată (sau destul de aproape) pe când la 1:1 sunt cu totul alte valori.

Dacă vreți să aflați ce valoare are focala unui macro 1:1 la distanta de focalizare minimă, e suficient să împărtiti distanta minimă de focalizare la 4 :-)


Obiectivul - Focala la 1:1

link magazin online - 77,5mm
link magazin online - 72,5mm
link magazin online - 70mm

Restul le puteti calcula cu usurintă :-)
Cu stimă,

Radu Grozescu

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Mesaje: 3950
Membru din: Sâm Ian 17, 2009 7:24 pm
Localitate: Bucuresti

Re: Nikon 70-200 VR II vs Nikon 70-200 VR I - problems

Mesajde Dan Pop » Dum Dec 04, 2011 8:09 pm

bogdan_dumitru scrie:Daca e adevarat, trec pe Canon.
Si nu glumesc.

In cazul asta, iti garantez ca e adevarat :twisted:
Cu stima,
Dan Pop
Dan Pop
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Membru din: Mie Feb 04, 2009 10:33 am
Localitate: Bucuresti

Re: Nikon 70-200 VR II vs Nikon 70-200 VR I - problems

Mesajde Merlin » Dum Dec 04, 2011 9:33 pm

Pana si Sigma 70-200 f/2,8 OS are acest neajuns dupa cum spun "baietii" din State!
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Membru din: Dum Ian 18, 2009 4:48 pm
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