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Diablo 4: Full Available Mounts List

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Diablo 4: Full Available Mounts List

Mesajde Jimekalmiya » Vin Ian 19, 2024 2:28 am

To provide the best user experience, Diablo 4 introduces a variety of awe-inspiring mounts, each with its unique characteristics and visual flair. These mounts not only help players explore the world with new freedom and speed but also give all classes an extra Mount Skill to use instead of a regular Dismount. So in this guide, lets take a look at all the mounts available in Diablo 4 broken down into a full list.

Before you can get any of these mounts, remember that you have to complete the Mount Donan’s Favor quest. Even if you fulfill other conditions to earn a mount, you have do to that first.

Awoken Famished Thoroughbred – Season of Blood Battle Pass reward (Tier 90, Premium)

Awoken Warded Mustang – Season of the Malignant Battle Pass reward (Tier 90, Premium)

Brimstone – Defeat Uber Duriel, King of Maggots

Famished Thoroughbred – Season of Blood Battle Pass reward (Tier 1, Premium)

Ghastly Reins – World drop

Grisly Calico

Light-Bearer – Preorder bonus

Plains Yearling

Primal Instinct – Twitch promo (Gift two subs)

Reins of the Blood Bay Steed – Kehjistan random drop

Reins of the Bloody Liquid Steed – Defeat Echo of Lilith

Reins of the Bloody Steed – 100,000 Red Dust from Fields of Hatred vendor

Reins of the Brigand’s Steed – World drop

Reins of the Buckskin Bay Steed – Kehjistan random drop

Reins of the Caldeum Steed – World drop (Nightmare Dungeon)

Reins of the Cavalier’s Steed – World drop

Reins of the Decaying Steed – World drop (Treasure Goblins)

Reins of the Executioner’s Steed – World drop

Reins of the Granite-coat Steed – Scosglen random drop

Reins of the Grey Steed – 20,000 Gold from the Stable Master

Reins of the Marshback Steed – Hawezar random drop

Reins of the Marsh Roan Steed – Hawezar random drop

Reins of the Mottled Steed – 20,000 Gold from the Stable Master

Reins of the Old Nell Steed – Complete Donan’s Favor quest

Reins of the Pale Steed – Fractured Peaks random drop

Reins of the Seal Brown Steed – World drop

Reins of the Spotted Shalecoat Steed – Scosglen random drop

Reins of the Striped Stepped Steed – Dry Steppes random drop

Reins of the Taiga Roan Steed – Fractured Peaks random drop

Reins of the Trapper’s Steed – World drop

Salmagundi – Season of Blood Season Journey Chapter 5 Slayer reward

Temptation – Deluxe or Ultimate Edition bonus content

Warded Spirit Mustang: Balius – Season of the Malignant Battle Pass reward (Tier 1, Free)

Diablo 4 has a wide variety of mounts, available from basic horses to exotic beasts. All these mounts serve only a cosmetic purpose. They possess the same speed and abilities, and equipping them with mount armor or trophies does not affect their power. That said, the aesthetic appeal of each mount can add an extra flair to your gameplay.

That is all you need to know about full available mounts in Diablo 4. For more info, feel free to browse U4gm. Also, this is the best place that cheap Diablo 4 Items for sale, and 100% safe – can be yours in just a single click.
Mesaje: 2
Membru din: Joi Ian 04, 2024 11:11 am

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