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BO6: Top 10 Items to Permanently Unlock

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BO6: Top 10 Items to Permanently Unlock

Mesajde Jimekalmiya » Mie Noi 27, 2024 3:37 am

In Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, if you're aiming to progress through the Prestige system efficiently and make the best use of your Permanent Unlock Tokens, it's crucial to understand what items to prioritize. Here's a breakdown of the most effective items to unlock with these tokens, ensuring you make the most out of your gameplay experience.
1. Perk Greed Wildcard

This is easily the most valuable unlock in the game. Unlocked at level 54, the Perk Greed Wildcard allows players to equip a fourth perk, offering a huge advantage. It not only lets you mix and match perks from different tiers but also helps unlock combat specialties with perks of varying colors. If you're playing multiplayer, this should be your number one priority. Given its late unlock level and its impact on strategy, it’s hard to overstate how important it is to have access to this wildcard.
2. Ninja

Ninja, unlocked at level 35, is another key perk. The ability to move silently is essential in Black Ops 6, especially when playing against opponents who are using high-end headphones to pinpoint your location based on footsteps. Even though it’s not as late of an unlock as others, Ninja’s utility makes it worth considering early.
3. Tac Mask

Unlocked at level 44, Tac Mask provides protection against flashbangs and stuns, which can be game-changers when you’re constantly being disabled by these grenades in competitive lobbies. For aggressive players who find themselves getting hit by tactical equipment frequently, this is another important perk to unlock early.
4. Harp Scorestreak

For those focused on earning high streaks, the Harp (level 42) is a vital tool. It provides persistent UAV coverage, improving team awareness and your ability to get multi-kills. While there’s currently a bug with its directional indicators, it’s expected to be fixed, and its effectiveness in securing high-stakes streaks makes it worth unlocking.
5. Gunfighter Wildcard

If you like customizing your weapons with multiple attachments, Gunfighter (level 33) allows up to eight attachments on a weapon. This makes it a solid choice for players who want full control over their builds and don’t want to wait until later levels to make their preferred loadouts.
6. Forward Intel

This perk, unlocked at level 47, offers a zoomed-out minimap, improving situational awareness. It’s a useful tool for players who prefer to stay aware of enemy positions and adjust their strategies accordingly. Its late unlock means you’ll likely need a Permanent Unlock Token to access it earlier.
7. Cold Blooded

Cold Blooded (level 41) hides you from enemy scorestreaks and AI targeting systems, making it a great choice for players who often find themselves on the receiving end of air support or targeting systems. Its flexibility in avoiding these threats can be crucial, but it’s also a perk you might not need unless you're often countering scorestreaks.
8. Stim Shot

The Stim Shot (level 30) is a solid choice for aggressive players who want to heal quickly in the heat of battle. It’s useful for staying in the fight longer, especially when engaging in intense, close-quarters combat. If you play with SMGs or prefer rush strategies, this can be a lifesaver.
9. Dreadnaught

For those who prefer a tanky, survivable playstyle, the Dreadnaught (level 54) unlock is a great option, giving you a huge health boost and additional protection. Though it’s a late unlock, you won’t want to be locked out of using it for multiple prestiges.
10. Weapons (Special Consideration)

While many players avoid using Permanent Unlock Tokens on weapons due to the availability of blueprints in battle passes or the campaign, certain weapons like the AS Val (level 55) or the GPMG7 may be worth unlocking if they aren’t available through other methods. If you’re aiming to use a specific weapon in the early stages of Prestige, using a token here could be worthwhile.

The key to success with Permanent Unlock Tokens in Black Ops 6 is selecting items that improve your overall gameplay while also aligning with your personal preferences. Start with Perk Greed Wildcard for its versatility, and then consider essential perks like Ninja, Tac Mask, and Cold Blooded depending on your playstyle. Scorestreaks like the Harp and weapon options such as Gunfighter also offer substantial strategic benefits. As always, your playstyle and lobby experiences will influence your choices, so feel free to adjust your list as you go.

Let me know if there’s any item you’d prioritize differently or if you have additional strategies!

For more tips and to purchase useful items for your Black Ops 6 experience, including BO6 redeem codes for bonus EXP and skins, check out U4GM. They offer quick and safe transactions, so you can focus more on gameplay and less on grinding.
Mesaje: 8
Membru din: Joi Ian 04, 2024 11:11 am

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