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Fallout 76: 5 Underrated Legendary Effects

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Fallout 76: 5 Underrated Legendary Effects

Mesajde Jimekalmiya » Lun Ian 20, 2025 4:47 am

There are lots of great legendary effects in Fallout 76. Some, such as bloodied, anti-armor, and unyielding are all incredibly popular effects that players look out for. There are a handful of effects that often get overlooked. These overlooked effects can be rather powerful. While some are niche, others offer the player some potent bonuses. Here's a look at the best that you should seek out!

1. Aristocrats (Weapon)

Effect: Up To +50% Damage Based On The Amount Of Caps The Player Is Carrying

At a certain point in the game, Caps become pretty easy to obtain. The Aristocrats effect boosts the player's damage output. The more Caps the player carries, the more damage they'll do to enemies. This effect has a limit of +50%. However, doing 50% more damage just by carrying plenty of Caps is a pretty powerful effect that many players often overlook.

2. Executioner's

Effect: +50% More Damage When Your Target Is Below 40% Health

While it's a relatively niche effect, when used with the right setup, it can be very powerful. Boss enemies are bullet sponges. Not only that, but every boss battle has a time limit. If the player fails to take the enemy down within that limit, then they will fail the event. A good Executioner's weapons can be very useful when it comes to finishing off tough enemies. It's worth noting that it's not particularly great as a primary weapon. But when used as a secondary weapon, this effect can be devastating.

3. Two-Shot

Effect: +1 Projectiles +25% Damage

Simply put, this effect increases the player's damage output by 25%. This is a great lazy effect as it doesn't require much effort. It works well with just about every ranged build. That said, it's best used on fast-firing automatic weapons. This effect can be great against enemies such as Fog Crawlers and Super Mutants, as they tend to be quite tanky. Taking an enemy down fast is a must. So, if the player can increase their damage output without needing to change their build, having a decent Two-Shot weapon on hand can be very useful during certain battles.

4. Resilient

Effect: +250 Damage Resistance While Reloading

Due to the naturally high damage resistance of most enemies in a Raid, players need to maximize their damage output. That's where heavy weapons come in. Heavy weapons are great for completing Raids. Their only real drawback is their rather lengthy reload time. Being able to reduce incoming damage while reloading a heavy weapon is incredibly useful while completing Raids.

5. V.A.T.S. Enhanced

Effect: +50% Chance To Hit A Target In V.A.T.S.

A missed shot in V.A.T.S. is a wasted shot. When it comes to taking down tough enemies, every shot counts. Players who rely on V.A.T.S. as a part of their build will want to make sure that they hit their intended target as often as possible. Being able to boost the chance of a shot landing by 50% can be incredibly useful, especially if the player is using a weapon with expensive ammo. While many players opt for effects such as Rapid and Explosive, V.A.T.S. Enhanced can help players take down enemies considerably faster than normal.

It ends here. Do you agree with our point of view? Please let us know in the comment below! For more info, please browse U4GM! This is also the best store to buy cheap Fallout 76 Bottle Caps! For those who lack the time to collect bottle caps but still wish to enjoy all the game has to offer, this is the best choice!
Mesaje: 32
Membru din: Joi Ian 04, 2024 11:11 am

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